
Greener Space provides professional independent advice and BER assessments for the Better Energy Homes scheme.

Grants are available for the following works which must be completed by a registered SEAI contractor.

Measures Energy Efficient Measures Grant Value
Insulation Attic insulation €300
Cavity wall insulation €300
Internal Insulation (Dry Lining)
Apartment (any) OR Mid-terrace House €1,200
Semi-detached OR End of Terrace €1,800
Detached House €2,400
External Wall Insulation (‘The Wrap’)
Apartment (any) OR Mid-terrace House €2,750
Semi-detached OR End of Terrace €4,500
Detached House €6,000
Heat Pumps
Air to Water €3,500
Ground Source to Water €3,500
Exhaust Air to Water €3,500
Water to Water €3,500
Air to Air €600
Heating System Heating Controls Upgrade €700
Solar Thermal Solar Thermal €1,200
Building Energy Rating (BER) €50


Do more, receive more Number of Measures Bonus Value
Bonus for multiple measures For 3rd measure €300
For 4th measure €100

Greener Space provides BER assessments after the works are completed to complete your grant application.

We are also available to provide advice before the works are carried out to advise on the most applicable remedies and the effect they will have on your rating and energy bills.

For more information and to apply for a grant, see:


Contact Us for Better Energy Homes Advice